Lagos Waste Management Authority (LAWMA) has embarked on a two-day enforcement operation at Lekki axis, to clear the roadsides of various illegal activities defacing the environment. The exercise involved clearance of waste nuisance and dislodging of street trading from First Roundabout to Jakande axis, as well as Freedom Way entrance, on Lekki Epe expressway. The Managing Director/CEO of LAWMA, Mr. Ibrahim Odumboni said the operation would ensure that the area was rid of structures and elements constituting environmental nuisance, such as littering and improper waste disposal, currently undermining efforts of the Authority at maintaining sustainable cleanliness. He said, “Our enforcement team is carrying out a two-day campaign, which began on Thursday, January 20, 2022, to stem the tide of littering and defacing of the environment, ensuring that effective sanitation is sustained within the VI axis of the state”. Odumboni pointed out that street trad...
We focus on citizen waste disposal activities and actions required to manage waste in Lagos State. An Environmental Investigation Agency for a community change initiative to improve waste disposal, and tackle global environmental challenges. Bridging the gaps between the government and the people of Lagos.